"faces.txt"" |
isZylindric = 1 | 0... translation
1... rotation
// set following values for each block in a list, for exaple as given in
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
pitch = 2.61799e-001 | if isZylindric = 0 -> then pitch in [mm]
if isZylindric = 1 -> then pitch in [rad] |
omega = -1099.56 | only if isZylindric = 1 -> then omega in [1/s]
sign is determined by the right-hand rule! |
trans: u=0.0, v=0.0, w=0.0 | only if isZylindric = 0 ->
translational velocity in x, y, and/or z in [m/s]
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
number of faces = 93 | total number of boundary faces
// the boundary text block, indicated with bg-color
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
Nr 0 ---- Inlet |
serial number, followed by user specific text |
type = KEYWORD |
LINARS provides following boundary-keywords:
INLET........................inlet: total pres.. and temp. + flow angle
OUTLET.....................outlet: static pressure
BLOCKBOUND............standard block boundary with conectivities
SYMMETRY................symmetry boundary condition
NEUMANN.................zero gradient boundary condition
SOLIDWALL..............boundary condition for walls
IDLE.........................this BC does nothing (used for frozen blocks)
INTERFACE...............interface BC
WALLFUNCTION........BC for wall-functions
STATICINLET............inlet: with static flow conditions
EXTRAPOLATE...........extrapolate values at boundary face
NrAreas = 3 |
specifies the number of areas with this BC! |
specific parameters depending on the boundary type!!! |
keywords | |
| |
INLET, specific parameter list |
ptot = 3.2846e5
Ttot = 423.15
u = 1.0
v = 0.0
w = 0.0
MueSpalartDivMueLam = 1.0
TurbulenceIntensity = 1.0
IntegralTurbLengthScale = 1.0e-3
total inlet pressure [Pa]
total inlet temperature [K]
cos(alfa), if "sZylindric = 1" -> axial component
sin(alfa), if "sZylindric = 1" -> circumferential component
sin(beta), if "sZylindric = 1" -> radial component
mue_spalart/mue_laminar at inlet [-]
turbulence intensity in [%]
integral lenght scale in [m] |
If you desire an arbitrary inlet distribution of the inlet parameters in
z-direction (isZylindric = 0) or in radial direction (isZylindric = 1) provide a file with
following name "InletDistributionSeqX.txt", where X corresponds
to the serial number of the inlet boundary specified in faces.txt!!! An example of the file is given
here -> "InletDistributionSeq0.txt".
File structure: n=50... the number of interpolation points; then the parameters in following order
(same as given in the list above), but with z-coord or radius in the first row followed by
ptot, Ttot, u, v, w, mue_sp/mue_l, Tu and lm.
| |
OUTLET, specific parameter list |
flag = 2
pExit = 7.68e+004 |
0...pExit = constant across the whole exit boundary
patch (index j and k directions)
1...non-reflecting --> Giles (e.g. index j-direction), but
in case of a 3D calculation constant mean pressure in
the second direction (e.g. index k-direction), given
by pExit.
2...pExit = constant (e.g. index j-dir) and varying
pressure along the second index (e.g. k-dir),
specified in the file "pVersOfRadOrZSeqX.txt",
where X corresponds to the serial number of the inlet
boundary specified in faces.txt
(see paragraph below)!!!
3...non-reflecting --> Giles (e.g. index j-dir) and in case
of a 3D calculation with a varying pressure along the
second index (e.g. k-dir), specified in the file
"pVersOfRadOrZSeqX.txt", (see paragraph below)!
static outlet pressure [Pa]
If you desire an arbitrary outlet distribution of the pressure in one index direction resp. coordinate direction
(e.g. z-direction --> isZylindric = 0 or in radial direction --> isZylindric = 1) provide a file with
following name "pVersOfRadOrZSeqX.txt", where X corresponds
to the serial number of the inlet boundary specified in faces.txt!!! An example of the file is given
here -> "pVersOfRadOrZSeq3.txt".
File structure: n=44... the number of interpolation points; then the z-coord or radius in the first row followed by
the static exit pressure.
BLOCKBOUND, specific parameter list |
mPhi = 0.0
angle in [rad] for velocity vector rotation on geometric periodic bounday patches --> pitch angle.
If isZylindric = 0 this parameter is irrelevant!
!!! Specify the BLOCKBOUND boundary without the line "NrAreas = 1" !!!
SYMMETRY, specific parameter list |
without specific parameters
In case of a IsQuasi3D = 1 the symmetry boundary
is specified automatically by LINARS on the upper and lower patches (index k=0 and k=2, where the calculation cell is k=1). Therefore
you don't have to specifiy it in the file faces.txt. Further LINARS makes the distinction between "isZylindric = 0" and
"isZylindric = 1" to set the correct phantom values for the primitive flow variables.
NEUMANN, specific parameter list |
without specific parameters |
SOLIDWALL, specific parameter list |
FlagTemp = 1
TempWall = 300.0
FlagRel = 0 |
FlagTemp = 0 ...adiabat wall:
FlagTemp = 1 ...with heat flux:
TempWall = 300[K] ... if FlagTemp = 1, set wall face temperature
FlagRel = 0 ... stagnant wall
FlagRel = 1 ... moving wall with velocity determined by
omega [1/s]or translational velocity [m/s] |
IDLE, specific parameter list |
without specific parameters |
this BC can be used for testing or for simulations with frozen blocks,
the BC doesn't alter the phantom cells!!! |
INTERFACE, specific parameter list |
nAreadOut = 1
flag = 1 |
nAreaOut ... total number of the outlet areas. Start area list with outlet areas followed by inlet areas,
which define the interface. If only one outlet and inlet area --> nAreaOut = 1!
mFlag = 0
outlet: const pExit
inlet: first order non reflcecting plus mean Values achieved,
good for starting...
mFlag = 1
outlet: const pExit
inlet: ptot, Ttot and Inlet Angle
mFlag = 2
outlet: Giles
inlet: ptot, Ttot and Inlet Angle
mFlag = 11, sliding interface
inerpolate and axchange all primitive variables from grid
at inlet and outlet
mFlag = 12
take total inlet values from FROZEN outlet!!! |
WALLFUNCTION, specific parameter list |
FlagRel = 0
FlagVelNormal = 0
FlagPress = 1
dpdsMax = 1.0e8
distToWall = 6.0e-5
mFlagRel ->
0: wall is locally fixed,
1: wall is moving at speed of grid
mFlagVelNormal ->
0: NormalVel is 0 at phantomCell
1: NormalVel is decreasing to zero to real wall
mFlagPress ->
0: no pressGradient
1: with pressGradient
dpdsMax ->
upper limit for pressure gradient, when mFlagPress=1
distToWall ->
distance of first calculation cell to wall!
For further description see source code LINARS "boundwallfunction.cpp" or Pieringer and Sanz
"A Pressure Gradient Sensitive Wall Function for the Prediction of Turbulent Flow in
Thermal Turbomachinery".
STATICINLET, specific parameter list |
same parameter list as for INLET |
specifiy static values for pressure and temperature
EXTRAPOLATE, specific parameter list |
without specific parameters |