Dezember 07 |
November 07 |
Oil visualization of the AIDA duct.
Cooperation with the Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer / TU Graz on non-newtonian fluids.
October 07 |
September 07 |
Thomas Leitgeb (left) and Andreas Lang (right) performing Dual Laser Vibrometer measurements at the DLR in Cologne.
Dr. Fabrice Giuliani posing with a present from his colleagues after his wife gave birth to their first child.
August 07 |
July 07 |
Cornelia Santner performing laser-optical investigations of separated diffusing flows within the project AIDA
annual institute's barbecue |
June 07 |
May 07 |
Mr. Göttlich, Mr. Paradiso, Mr. Schennach and Mr. Marn at the ASME conference in Montreal 2007
April 07 |
March 07 |
Balancing the VITAL runner at MAN - Oberhausen, Germany
large picture
February 07 |
January 07 |
Mr. Berardo Paradiso, visiting scientist from Politecnico Milano,
and Mr. Oliver Schennach from TU Graz, while performing transonic-turbine
clocking experiments in carnival time.