December 15 |
November 15 |
We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year!
Results of a turbine endwall optimization using a new quasi first order method. The development of the objective function and the resulting non-axisymmetric contour are shown.
October 15 |
September 15 |
Martin Haubenhofer, head of our workshop, showing the sorrow boxes he made for the works council for academic personnel!
Our colleague Florian Schönleitner as he installs strain gauges for upcoming vibration measurements!
August 15 |
July 15 |
Professor Heitmeir celebrated his birthday recently! The picture was taken as Professor Woisetschläger and Dr. Göttlich present him the institute's gift! We wish him all the best!
Pictures from this years annual barbecue!
June 15 |
May 15 |
Most of us were in Montreal for the ASME Turbo Expo of this year as well!
Mutual excitement about the successful first fire of an aero gas turbine burner (80 kw).
April 15 |
March 15 |
At the European Turbomachinery Conference!
Solar eclipse on the 20th of March as seen from our institute (photos by P. Bader) and pictures of a some colleagues during the eclipse! Here is another link to pictures of this rare event by Prof. Woisetschläger!
February 15 |
January 15 |
Professors Wolfgang Sanz (left) and Jakob Woisetschläger (right) with visiting professor Marwan Darwish (middle) at Praebichl for skiing!
Our colleague Christian Faustmann (with the cap), his girl friend (to his right) and most of the institute after his thesis defense! We wish him all the best!