Born 1974. Studies of mechanical engineering at the Engineering school for sciences and technologies (ESSTIN, Nancy University of Science, France). Mechanical engineering degree in 1997, speciality fluid dynamics and energetics.
Research engineer at the von Karman institute, Brussels, Belgium, from 1997 to 1999. VKI Diploma Course graduated in 1998. Research theme in spray technology with laser-based measurement techniques.
Research engineer at the ONERA Centre de Toulouse, France, from 1999 to 2002. Research theme on combustion instabilities in liquid fuelled gas turbines. Graduated doctor (with excellence) of the National engineering school for aerospace (ENSAE-SUPAERO, Toulouse) in 2002. Click here for the PDF version of the PhD thesis (in French).
Researcher at the DLR of Cologne, Germany, from 2002 to 2004. Head of the gas turbine spray facility at the Institute for propulsion technology.
Since 2004, scientific assistant at the Graz university of technology, at the Institute for thermal turbomachinery and machine dynamics. Direction of the combustion group. Construction of the HTP combustion test rig. Research program focusing on combustion dynamics, under realistic GT operating conditions. Educational program on theoretical and applied GT combustion, combustion control and unsteady measurement techniques.