Project is sponsored by the EC and is part of EU Sixth Framework Program
Project Start: 2004; Project End: 2008
Project Partners:
1. Volvo Aero Corporation AB
2. Rolls-Royce Plc
3. MTU Aero Engines GmbH
4. Snecma Moteurs SA
5. Turbomeca SA
6. Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd&Co KG
7. Avio S.p.A.
8. Industria de TurboPropulsores SA
9. Office National d'Etudes et de Recherches Aerospatiales
10. Swedish Defence Research Agency
11. Deutsches Zentrum für Luft und Raumfahrt E.V
12. The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Cambridge
13. Loughborough University
14. Chalmers Tekniska Högskola AB
15. Universita degli Studi di Genova
Project Coordinator: Volvo Aero Corporation AB
Project Applicants / Contact:
Dr. Emil Göttlich (Project Manager),
Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Marn
1. Improved understanding of the flow physics in aggressive intermediate ducts
2. System integration - Knowledge of how aggressive ducts interact with neighboring components
3. Development and tests of a new class of very aggressive intermediate ducts
4. Assessment of new advanced vane-duct integration concepts
5. Establishment of validated analysis methods and "CFD Best Practice Guidelines" for duct flows
6. Tests and modeling of novel passive separation control devices for super-aggressive ducts
7. Development of new numerical optimization techniques for intermediate ducts
8. Establishment of design rules and a validation database for aggressive intermediate ducts
Short term outcomes will be possibly used in recent engine development programs i.e. 7E7, TP400, and so on. Medium and long term outcomes should be used in future engine development programs helping to achieve the ACARE noise and emission reduction targets. AIDA's outcomes will act as enablers for the successful design of new promising engine configurations such as those proposed in potential FP6 & FP7 European Engine Integrated Projects (VITAL, etc) AIDA's work on passive control devices expected to have an impact on a broad range of engineering aerodynamic applications.
First results:
Within the consortium it is discussed to open, after the end of the project, the database for this highly loaded transition duct flow to selected industry and research institutions which may be granted access.
Göttlich, E., Malzacher, F., Heitmeir, F., Marn, A., 2005, "Adaptation of a Transonic Test Turbine Facility for Experimental Investigation of Aggressive Intermediate Turbine Duct Flows," ISABE 2005, 17th International Symposium on Airbreathing Engines, Munich
Göttlich, E., Marn, A., Malzacher, F., Schennach, O., Heitmeir, F., 2007, "Experimental Investigation of the Flow through an Aggressive Intermediate Turbine Duct Downstream of a Transonic Turbine Stage," 7th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, Athen, Greece
Marn, A., Göttlich, E., Pecnik, R., Malzacher, F., Schennach, O., Pirker, H.P., 2007, "The Influence of Blade Tip Gap Variation on the Flow Through an Aggressive S-Shaped Intermediate Turbine Duct Downstream a Transonic Turbine Stage-Part I: Time-Averaged Results,"ASME Paper GT2007-27405, Montreal
Göttlich, E., Marn, A., Pecnik, R., Malzacher, F., Schennach, O., Pirker, H.P., 2007, "The Influence of Blade Tip Gap Variation on the Flow Through an Aggressive S-Shaped Intermediate Turbine Duct Downstream a Transonic Turbine Stage-Part II: Time-Resolved Results and Surface Flow," ASME Paper GT2007-28069, Montreal
Marn, A., Göttlich, E., Cadrecha, D.,Pirker H.P., 2008, "Shorten the Intermediate Turbine Duct Length by Applying an Integrated Concept," ASME Paper GT2008-50269, Berlin
Göttlich, E., Marn, A., Malzacher, F., Heitmeir, F., 2009, “On Flow Separation in a Super-Aggressive Intermediate Turbine Duct,“ 8th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, Graz, Austria
Marn, A., Göttlich, E., Leitgeb, T., Heitmeir, F., 2009, “Investigation of the Flow Through an Intermediate Turbine Duct Shortened by Using an Integrated Concept,” 8th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, Graz, Austria
Marn, A., Göttlich, E., Pirker, H.-P., 2009, “The Effect of Rotor Tip Clearance Size onto the Separated Flow through a Super-Aggressive S-Shaped Intermediate Turbine Duct Downstream of a Transonic Turbine Stage,” ASME Turbo Expo 2009, accepted Orlando, USA
Marn, A., Göttlich, E., Malzacher, F., Santner, C., F., Heitmeir, F., 2009, “Comparison Between the Flow Through an Aggressive and a Super-Aggressive Intermediate Turbine Duct,”19th International Symposium on Air Breathing Engines, Montreal, accepted Canada
Sanz, W., Kelterer, M., Pecnik, P., Marn, A., Göttlich, E., 2009, “Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Tip Leakage Flow on an Aggressive S-Shaped Intermediate Turbine Duct,” ASME Turbo Expo 2009, accepted Orlando, USA
Marn, A., 2008, "On the Aerodynamics of Aggressive Intermediate Turbine Ducts for Competitive and
Environmentally Friendly Jet Engines," phD Thesis
Santner, C., 2008, "Experimentelle Untersuchung des Einflusses von Wirbelgeneratoren auf ablösende Diffusorströmungen," Diploma Thesis