Project Start: 2009; Project End: 2012
Project Partners:
1. MTU Aero Engines GmbH
2. Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd&Co KG
3. EADS Deutschland GmbH
4. PFW Aerospace AG
5. DLR, Institut für Aerodynamik und Strömungstechnik, Institut für Antriebstechnik
6. TU Berlin, Institut für Strömungsmechanik und Technische Akustik
7. AneCom AeroTest GmbH
8. MeliCon GmbH
Project Applicants / Contact:
Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Andreas Marn (Project Manager)
Within the research programme air traffic noise in the research association "low noise traffic" a scientific synergy effect between the programmes FREQUENZ, NASGET and LEXMOS
is visible. An optimal reduction in air traffic noise and its evaluation culd be achieved. Here, Lufthansa acts as a programme leader. This succesful co-operation should be
continued where the consortium MassiF-Effekt (MAßnahmen zur SchallpegelSenkung Im Flugverkehr–Effektive Triebwerkslärmminderung) is providing information regarding
sound propagation of aero engines and reduction measures in terms of the overall system airplane/fly path and evaluation of the sound immissions.
Improve understanding of sound propagation
Measures to reduce noise in the by-pass duct
Development of novel 3D methods in order to predict noise propacation in the by-pass duct
Evaluation of differen sound absorbing bladings
Reduction of combustion noise by means of novel inovative absorbers that should reduce both, turbine and combustion chamber noise
Experimental investigation of fan noise reduction technologies
Implementation of measurement techniques to localise noise sources in closed engine test beds
First results: