Project Title:
Innovative Numerical Calculation of the Transonic Flow Through High-loaded Turbines
Project Start:
March 2008; Project End: February 2011
Project Partners:
MTU Aero Engines GmbH
Springer und Pieringer EDV OEG
Graz University of Technology
Project Coordiantor:
Graz University of Technology
Project Applicants / Contact:
Ao.Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Wolfgang Sanz
Dipl.-Ing. Maria Kelterer
An aero engine manufacturer, a small enterprise and a university institute will work
together on the improved CFD calculation of transonic turbine flows with emphasis on the
complex flow phenomena laminar-to-turbulent transition and relaminarization not yet
satisfactorily solved in modern CFD solvers. The new approach will be applied to intermediate
turbine duct design thus leading to a short term benefit for future aero engine design.
K. Ramadani, M.E. Kelterer, R. Pecnik, W. Sanz (2009): Application of the zeta-f-turbulence
model to steady transitional flow. In Proceedings of 8th European Turbomachinery Conference
2009, paper A93, March 23–27, 2009, Graz, Austria.
W. Sanz, M.E. Kelterer, R. Pecnik, A. Marn, E. Göttlich (2009): Numerical Investigation of the
Effect of Tip Leakage Flow on an Aggressive S-Shaped Intermediate Turbine Duct. In Proceedings
of ASME Turbo Expo 2009, GT2009-59535, June 8-12, 2009, Orlando, Florida, USA.
M.E. Kelterer, K. Ramadani, R. Pecnik, W. Sanz (2009): Application of the zeta-f-turbulence
model to steady transitional flow. In ERCOFTAC Bulletin 80: Transition,
September 2009, p.35-40.