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Contribution to books
J. Woisetschläger, H. Lang, E. Göttlich (2018) Stereo PIV applied to a transonic turbine, in: M.Raffel, C.M.Willert, F.Scarano, Ch.J.Kähler,S.T.Wereley, J.Kompenhans (Eds.) Particle Image Velocimetry - A Practical Guide, 3rd edition, Experimental Fluid Mechanics, Series, Springer, Wien Heidelberg New York, ISBN: 978-3-319-68851-0 ebook ISBN: 987-3-319-68852-7

J. Woisetschläger, E. Göttlich (2008) Recent Applications of Particle Image Velocimetry to Flow Research in Thermal Turbomachinery, in: A.Schröder, C.M.Willert (Eds.): Particle Image Velocimetry New Developments and Recent Applications, Topics of Applied Physics, Springer, Wien Heidelberg New York, ISBN 978-3-540-73527-4

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J. Woisetschläger, H. Lang, E. Göttlich (2007) Stereo PIV applied to a transonic turbine, in: M.Raffel, C.M.Willert, S.T.Wereley, J.Kompenhans (Eds.) Particle Image Velocimetry - A Practical Guide, 2nd edition, Experimental Fluid Mechanics, Series, Springer, Wien Heidelberg New York, ISBN: 978-3-540-72307-3


J.Woisetschläger (2007) From the Doppler effect to the CO2 reduction, in: E. Hiebl, M. Musso (Eds) Christian Doppler: Life and Work, Principle and Applications, Proceedings of the Commemorative Symposia in 2003 - Salzburg, Prague, Vienna, Venice, Living Edition, ISBN 978-3-901585-09-8


J.Woisetschläger (2005) Turbulenzen in Turbomaschinen, in: Zukunft durch Forschung gestalten - Forschung konkret, Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, Graz, ISBN3-901351-94-9

J.Woisetschläger, H.Lang, B.Hampel, E.Göttlich (2003) Investigation of unsteady effects in transonic turbomachinery flows using Particle Image Velocimetry, in: Stanislas (Eds) Particle Image Velocimetry: Recent Improvements (with CD-ROM), selected papers from EUROPIV 2 / PivNet 2 / ERCOFTAC Workshop on Particle Image Velocimetry, Zaragoza, Springer Verlag, Wien Heidelberg New York, ISBN 3540214232


J.Woisetschläger, H.Jericha (1995) Laserholographische Messung der Änderung des Schwingungsverhaltens von Gasturbinenschaufeln infolge Erosion, in H.Springer, H.Irretier, R.Nordmann, H.Springer (Eds) "Schwingung in rotierenden Maschinen III", Vieweg , ISBN3-528-06655-5

D.Vukicevic, T.Neger, H.Jäger, J.Woisetschläger, H.Philipp (1990) Optical Tomography by Heterodyne Holographic Interferometry, in: P.Greguss und T.H.Jeong, (Eds) Holography , SPIE Institute Series 8, SPIE Press Book, SPIE, Bellingham, Washington ISBN 978-0819404695


Journal publications
R. Klymenko, H. Nanninga, E. de Kroon, L. L. F. Agostinho, E.C. Fuchs, J. Woisetschläger, W. F. L. M. Hoeben, (2023) Preparation of Free-Surface Hyperbolic Water Vortices, J. Vis. Exp., (197), e64516, doi: 10.3791/64516

L. L. F. Agostinho, R. Pecnik, J. Woisetschläger, E. de Kroon, N.¸ Siscanu, M. V. van de Griend, W. Loiskandl, E. C. Fuchs (2022) Enhanced Oxygen Volumetric Mass Transfer in a Geometrically Constrained Vortex , MDPI Water, Vol.14, 5, doi: 10.3390/w14050771

P. Jagerhofer, J.Woisetschläger, G. Erlacher, E. Göttlich (2021) Heat transfer and film cooling measurements on aerodynamic geometries relevant for turbomachinery, Springer Nature Applied Science , Vol.3, article number: 889, doi:10.1007/s42452-021-04845-5

F. Farisco, L.Castellanos, J.Woisetschläger, W. Sanz (2021) Numerical Steady and Transient Evaluation of a Confined Swirl Stabilized Burner, Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power , Vol.6, 46, doi: 10.3390/ijtpp6040046

P. Jagerhofer, J.Woisetschläger, G.Erlacher, E.Göttlich (2021) Heat transfer and film cooling measurements on aerodynamic geometries relevant for turbomachinery, SN Appl. Sci., Vol.3, 889, doi: 10.1007/s42452-021-04845-5

E. C. Fuchs, J.Woisetschläger, A. D. Wexler, R. Pecnik, G. Vitiello (2021) Electrically Induced Liquid–Liquid Phase Transition in a Floating Water Bridge Identified by Refractive Index Variations, Water, Vol.13, 602, pp15, doi: 10.3390/w13050602

J. Gürtler, F. Greiffenhagen, J. Woisetschläger, R. Kuschmierz, J. Czarske (2021) Seedingless measurement of density fluctuations and flow velocity using high-speed holographic interferometry in a swirl-stabilized flame, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol. 139, 106481, pp 9, doi: 10.1016/j.optlaseng.2020.106481

A. D. Wexler, J. Woisetschläger, U. Reiter, G. Reiter, M. Fuchsjäger, E. C. Fuchs, L. Brecker (2020) Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation Mapping of Spin Relaxation in Electrically Stressed Glycerol, ACS Omega, Vol.5, 22057-22070, doi: 10.1021/acsomega.0c02059

F .Greiffenhagen, J.Woisetschläger, J.Gürtler, J.Czarske (2020) Quantitative measurement of density fluctuations with a full-field laser interferometric vibrometer , Experiments in Fluids, 61:9 doi: 10.1007/s00348-019-2842-y

A. D. Wexler, E.C. Fuchs, J. Woisetschläger, G. Vitiello (2019) Electrically induced liquid-liquid phase transition in water at room temperature, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. , Vol. 21, 18541-18550 doi: 10.1039/C9CP03192H

E. C. Fuchs, G. Oudakker, M. Justinek, N. Dyer, J. Woisetschläger, K. Godines, M. Mäder, F. T. Freund (2019) Solar Eclipses and the Surface Properties of Water, Earth, Moon, and Planets, Vol. 123:15, 43 doi: 10.1007/s11038-019-09529-0

E.C. Fuchs, D. Yntemaa, J. Woisetschläger (2019) Raman spectroscopy and shadowgraph visualization of excess protons in high voltage electrolysis of pure water, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 52 (36), 365302 (10pp), doi: 10.1088/1361-6463/ab252b

F. Greiffenhagen, J. Peterleithner, J. Woisetschläger, A. Fischer, J. Gürtler, J. Czarske (2019) Discussion of laser interferometric vibrometry for the determination of heat release fluctuations in an unconfined swirl-stabilized flame, Combustion and Flame , 201:315-327 doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2018.12.019

P.Bader, M.Pschernig, W.Sanz, J.Woisetschläger, F.Heitmeir, W.Meile, G.Brenn (2018) Experimental Investigation of Boundary Layer Relaminarization in Accelerated Flow, , Journal of Fluids Engineering , Vol. 140 / 081201 (15pp) doi:10.1115/1.4039257

A.D.Wexler S.Drusová, E.C.Fuchs, J.Woisetschläger, G.Reiter, M.Fuchsjäger, U.Reiter (2016) Magnetic resonance imaging of flow and mass transfer in electrohydrodynamic liquid bridges, Journal of Visualization, (14pp) doi:10.1007/s12650-016-0379-1

J. Peterleithner, N.V. Stadlmair, J. Woisetschläger, T. Sattelmayer (2016) Analysis of Measured Flame Transfer Functions With Locally Resolved Density Fluctuation and OH-Chemiluminescence Data, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Vol. 138, 031504 (9pp), doi 10.1115/1.4031346
selected paper: ASME TURBO EXPO 2015, J Peterleithner, NV Stadlmair, J Woisetschläger, T Sattelmayer (2015) Analysis of measured flame transfer functions with locally resolved density fluctuations and OH-chemiluminescence data, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2015, GT2015, June 15-19, 2015, Montréal, Canada, GT2015-42745

A.D. Wexler S. Drusová, J. Woisetschläger, E.C. Fuchs (2016) Non-equilibrium thermodynamics and collective vibrational modes of liquid water in an inhomogeneous electric field, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol. 18, 16281-16292, doi 10.1039/C5CP07218B

EC Fuchs, M Sammer, AD Wexler, P Kuntke, J. Woisetschläger (2016) A floating water bridge produces water with excess charge, J.Phys.D:Appl. Phys., 49, 125502 (7pp) , DOI:  10.1088/022-3727/49/12/125502

Highlight 2016: selected as one of the highlights of the articles published in Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics (J. Phys. D) in 2016. Article chosen to highlight some of the excellent research and reviews published in Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics in 2016. The articles were selected for the high praise received from referees, presentation of outstanding research and popularity with our online readership. . For 2016 60 articles were chosen.
EC Fuchs, B Bitschnau, AD Wexler, J. Woisetschläger, FT Freund (2015) A Quasi-Elastic Neutron Scattering Study of the Dyanmics of Electrically Constrained Water, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 119, 15892-15900 , DOI:  10.1021/acs.jpcb.5b10751

J. Peterleithner , J. Woisetschläger (2015) Laser vibrometry for combustion diagnostics in thermoacoustic research , tm-Technisches Messen; 82(11); 549-555 , DOI:  10.1515/teme-2015-0072

M. Sammer, A.D. Wexler, P. Kuntke, H. Wiltsche, N. Stanulewicz, E. Lamkmayr, J. Woisetschläger, E.C. Fuchs (2015) Proton production, neutralisation and reduction in a floating water bridge , J. Phys. D Appl. Phys. 48, 415501 (11pp), doi 10.1088/0022-3727/48/41/415501

A.D. Wexler, M.L. Sáenz, O. Schreer, J. Woisetschläger, E.C. Fuchs (2014) The Preparation of Electrohydrodynamic Bridges from Polar Dielectric Liquids, J. Vis. Exp. 91, e51819, , Date Published: 9/30/2014, doi 10.3791/51819

E.C. Fuchs, A.D. Wexler, A.H. Paulitsch-Fuchs, L.L.F. Agostinho, D. Yntema. J. Woisetschläger, (2013) The Armstrong experiment revisited, Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics, 223:5, 959-977

A.Fischer, J.König, J.Czarske, J.Peterleithner, J.Woisetschläger, T.Leitgeb (2013) Analysis of flow and density oscillations in a swirl-stabilized flame employing highly resolving optical measurement techniques, Experiments in Fluids, Vol.54:1622 (18pp)

T. Leitgeb, T. Schuller, D. Durox, F. Giuliani, S. Köberl, J. Woisetschläger (2013) Interferometric determination of heat release rate in a pulsated flame, Combustion and Flame 160, 589-600

E.C. Fuchs, A. Cherukupally, A.H. Paulitsch-Fuchs, L.L.F. Agostinho, A.D. Wexler, J. Woisetschläger, F.T. Freund (2012) Investigation of the mid-infrared emission of a floating water bridge, Journal of Physics D: Appl. Phys. 45 (2012) 475401 (10pp)

J. Woisetschläger, A.D. Wexler , G. Holler, M.Eisenhut, K. Gatterer, E.C. Fuchs, (2012) Horizontal bridges in polar dielectric liquids, Experiments in Fluids, Vol 52, pp 193-205, DOI: 10.1007/s00348-011-1216-x

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M.Sammer, C. Kamp, D. Yntema, M. Horner, E.C. Fuchs, G. Holler, J. Woisetschlager, E. Lankmayr, (2011) The bioscope system-testing and validating a novel sensor for aqueous solutions , Journal of Water Chemistry and Technology 33 (6) , pp. 369-376

E.C. Fuchs A.D. Wexler, L L F Agostinho, M. Ramek, J. Woisetschläger, (2011) Methanol, Ethanol and Propanol in EHD liquid bridging, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 329, 012003, DOI 10.1088/1742-6596/329/1/012003

E.C. Fuchs, B. Bitschnau, S. di Fonzo, A. Gessini, J. Woisetschläger, F. Bencivenga (2011) Inelastic UV Scattering in a Floating Water Bridge, Journal of Physical Science and Application, 1, 135-147


E.C. Fuchs, L.L.F. Agostinho, A. Wexler, R.M. Wagterveld, J. Tuinstra, J. Woisetschläger (2011) The behaviour of a floating water bridge under reduced gravity conditions, Journal of Physics D: Appl. Phys. 44 () 025501 (8pp)

S.Köberl, F. Fontaneto, F. Giuliani, J. Woisetschläger (2010) Frequency resolved interferometric measurement of local density fluctuations for turbulent combustion analysis, Meas. Sci. Technol., Vol. 21 () 035302 (10pp)


J. Woisetschläger, K. Gatterer, E.C. Fuchs (2010) Experiments in a floating water bridge, Experiments in Fluids, Vol.48, pp 121-131

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O. Schennach, J. Woisetschläger, B.Paradiso, G.Persico, P.Gaetani (2010) Three dimensional clocking effects in a one and a half stage transonic turbine, ASME J. Turbomach., Vol. 132, 011019

F. Giuliani, T. Leitgeb, A. Lang, J. Woisetschläger (2010) Mapping the density fluctuations in a pulsed air-methane flame using laser-vibrometry, ASME J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power , Vol. 132, 031603
selected paper: ASME TURBO EXPO 2009, F. Giuliani, T. Leitgeb, A. Lang, J. Woisetschläger (2009) Mapping the density fluctuations in a pulsed air-methane flame using laser-vibrometry, ASME Turbo Expo 2009,Orlando, Florida, GT2009-59682

E.C. Fuchs, B. Bitschnau, J. Woisetschläger, E. Maier, B. Beuneu, José Teixeira (2009) Neutron scattering of a floating heavy
water bridge
, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol. 42, pp 065502

E.C. Fuchs, K. Gatterer, G. Holler, J. Woisetschläger (2008) Dynamics of the floating water bridge, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol. 41, pp 185502

O. Schennach, R. Pecnik, B. Paradiso, E. Göttlich, A. Marn, J. Woisetschläger (2008) The effect of vane clocking on the unsteady flowfield in a one and a half stage transonic turbine, ASME J. Turbomach., Vol. 130, 031022
selected paper: ASME TURBO EXPO 2007, O. Schennach, R. Pecnik, B. Paradiso, E. Göttlich, A. Marn, J. Woisetschläger (2007) The effect of vane clocking on the unsteady flowfield in a one and a half stage transonic turbine, ASME Turbo Expo 2007, May 14-17, 2007, Montreal, Canada, GT2007- 27848

J. Woisetschläger, R. Pecnik, E. Göttlich, O. Schennach, A. Marn, W.Sanz, F.Heitmeir (2008) Experimental and Numerical Flow Visualization in a Transonic Turbine, Journal of Visualization, Vol. 11, No.1, pp 95-102

E.C. Fuchs, J. Woisetschläger, K. Gatterer, E. Maier, R. Pecnik, G. Holler H. Eisenkölbl (2007) The floating water bridge, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol. 40, pp 6112-6114

Highlight 2007: selected as one of the highlights of the articles published in Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics (J. Phys. D) in 2007. Article chosen to highlight some of the excellent research and reviews published in Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics in 2007. Articles were selected for their presentation of outstanding new research, valuable reviews of the field, the highest praise from our international referees, and the highest number of downloads from the journal's website. For 2007 30 articles were chosen.

O.Schennach, J.Woisetschläger, A. Marn, E. Göttlich (2007) Laser-Doppler-Velocimetry measurements in a one and a half stage transonic test turbine with different angular stator-stator positions, Exp.Fluids, Vol.43, pp385-393
selected paper: International Symposium on Application of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, O.Schennach, J.Woisetschläger, A. Marn, E. Göttlich (2006) Laser-Doppler-Velocimetry measurements in a one and a half stage transonic test turbine with different angular stator-stator positions, Proc. 13 th International Symposium on Application of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, paper 1131

J. Woisetschläger, R. Pecnik, O. Schennach, E. Göttlich, A. Marn, W. Sanz, F.Heitmeir (2007) Laser-Optical Investigation of Stator-Rotor Interaction in a Transonic Turbine, Frontiespiece (Portfolio), Journal of Visualization, Vol. 10, No.1, p 6

O. Schennach, J. Woisetschläger, A. Fuchs, E. Göttlich, A. Marn, R. Pecnik (2007) Experimental Investigations of clocking in a one and a half stage transonic turbine using Laser-Doppler-Velocimetry and a fast response aerodynamics pressure probe, ASME J. Turbomach., Vol. 129, pp372-381
selected paper: ASME TURBO EXPO 2006, O. Schennach, J. Woisetschläger, A. Fuchs, E. Göttlich, A. Marn, R. Pecnik (2006) Experimental Investigations of clocking in a one and a half stage transonic turbine using Laser-Doppler-Velocimetry and a fast response aerodynamics pressure probe, ASME Turbo Expo 2006, Barcelona, Spain, GT2006-90264

B. Hampel, J. Woisetschläger (2006) Frequency and space resolved measurement of local density fluctuations in air by laser vibrometry, Meas. Sci. Technol., Vol. 17, pp 2835-2842

E.Göttlich, J.Woisetschläger, P.Pieringer, B.Hampel, F.Heitmeir (2006) Investigation of vortex shedding and wake-wake interaction in a transonic turbine stage using Laser-Velocimetry and Particle-Image-velocimetry, ASME J. Turbomach., Vol 128, pp 178-187

selected paper: ASME TURBO EXPO 2005, BEST TECHNICAL PAPER AWARD, E.Göttlich, J.Woisetschläger, P.Pieringer, B.Hampel, F.Heitmeir (2005) Investigation of vortex shedding and wake-wake interaction in a transonic turbine stage using Laser-Velocimetry and Particle-Image-velocimetry, ASME Turbo Expo 2005, Reno, Nevada, GT2005-68579

St. Obermair, Ch. Gutschi, J. Woisetschläger, G. Staudinger (2005) Flow pattern and agglomeration in the dust outlet of a gas caclone investigated by phase doppler anemometry, Powder technology 156, 34-42

M.Hipp, J.Woisetschläger, P.Reiterer, T.Neger (2004) Digital evaluation of interferograms, Measurement, Elsevier, Vol.36, pp53-66

E.Göttlich, F.Neumayer, P.Pieringer, J.Woisetschläger, W.Sanz, F.Heitmeir, (2004) Investigation of stator-rotor interaction in a transonic turbine stage using laser-doppler-velocimetry and pneumatic probes, ASME J. Turbomach., 126: 297-305
selected paper: ASME TURBO EXPO 2003, E.Göttlich, F.Neumayer, P.Pieringer, J.Woisetschläger, W.Sanz, F.Heitmeir, (2003) Investigation of stator-rotor interaction in a transonic turbine stage using laser-doppler-velocimetry and pneumatic probes, ASME TURBO EXPO 2003 , Atlanta, Georgia, GT 2003-38266

R.Pecnik, W.Sanz, A.Gehrer, J.Woisetschläger, (2003) Transition Modeling using Two Different Intermittency Transport Equations, J. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion Vol.70, pp299-323

St. Obermair, J. Woisetschläger, G. Staudinger, (2003) Investigation of the flow pattern in different dust outlet geometries of a gas cyclone by laser Doppler anemometry, Powder Technology 138, 239-251

J.Woisetschläger, H.Lang, B.Hampel, E.Göttlich, F.Heitmeir, (2003) Influence of blade passing on the stator wake in a transonic turbine stage investigated by particle image velocimetry and laser vibrometry, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy , Vol.217, pp 385-391

J.Woisetschläger, N.Mayrhofer, B.Hampel, H.Lang, W.Sanz, (2003) Laser-optical investigation of turbine wake flow, Exp.Fluids, Vol.34, pp371-378

H.Lang, T.Mørck, J.Woisetschläger (2002) Stereoscopic particle image velocimetry in a transonic turbine, Exp.Fluids, Vol.32, pp 700-709

S.Obermair, J.Woisetschläger, G.Staudinger (2002) The flow pattern in the dust outlet geometry of a gas cyclone and its effects on separation efficiency, Trans. Filt. Soc. 2(3), 80-85
selected paper: FILTECH 2001, S.Obermair, J.Woisetschläger, G.Staudinger (2001) The flow pattern in the dust outlet geometry of a gas cyclone and its effects on separation efficiency, proceedings FILTECH 2001, 16.-18.Oct. 2001, Düsseldorf

N.Mayrhofer, J. Woisetschläger (2001) Frequency analysis of turbulent compressible flows by laser vibrometry, Exp.Fluids, Vol.31, pp 153-161

A.Gorton-Hülgerth, J. Woisetschläger, G. Wigley, G. Staudinger (2000) Investigation of the Flow Field in the Upper Part of a Cyclone with Laser and Phase Doppler Anemometry, Part.Part.Syst.Charact., 17, pp 21-27

J.Woisetschläger, G.Pretzler, H.Jericha, N.Mayrhofer, H.P.Pirker (1998) Differential Interferometry with Adjustable Spatial Carrier Fringes for Turbine Blade Cascade Flow Investigations, Exp.Fluids, Vol.24, pp 102-109

H.Jericha, W.Sanz, J.Woisetschläger (1996) Optimierung von Gasturbinen, GWA, Vol 76, 3 pp 190-198 (invited, in German)

K.Widmann, G.Pretzler, J.Woisetschläger, H.Philipp, T.Neger, H.Jäger (1996) Interferometric determination of the electron density in a high-pressure xenon lamp with a holographic optical element, Appl.Opt., Vol.35, pp5896-5903

J.Woisetschläger, H.Jericha, H.Pirker, N.Mayrhofer (1995) Moderne Laseroptische Meßtechnik zur Turbomaschinenentwicklung am Institut für Thermische Turbomaschinen und Maschinendynamik der Technischen Universität Graz, ÖIAZ, Vol. 10-11/95, pp 341-345 (in German)

M.Fesharaki, P.Eisenkolb, H.Halozan, J.Woisetschläger (1995) Solarthermische Kraftwerke, ÖIAZ, Vol. 10-11/95 , pp.364-370 (in German)

J.Woisetschläger, D.B.Sheffer, C.W.Loughry, K.Somasundaram, S.K.Chawla, P.J.Wesolowski (1994) Phase-Shifting Holographic Interferometry for Breast Cancer Detection, Appl.Opt., Vol. 33, Optical Society of America, pp 5011-5015

G.Pretzler, H.Jäger, T.Neger, H.Philipp, J.Woisetschläger (1992) Comparison of different methods of Abel inversion using computer simulated and experimental side-on data, Z. Naturforsch. 47a, pp 955-970

J.Woisetschläger, H.Jäger, T.Neger, K.Widmann (1992) Investigation of the population inversion in a He-Ne laser discharge by heterodyne holographic interferometry, Appl.Phys.B Vol.53, pp 132-135

H.Philipp, T.Neger, H.Jäger, J.Woisetschläger (1992) Optical tomography of phase objects by holographic interferometry, Measurement 10, pp 170-181

J.Woisetschläger, H.Jäger, H.Philipp, G.Pfeifer, T.Neger (1991) Tomographic Investigation of Particle Density Distribution of Sodium Atoms in a Glow Discharge using Resonance Heterodyne Holographic Interferometry, Phys.Lett. A, Vol. 152, North-Holland, pp 42-46

D.Vukicevic, H.Jäger, T.Neger, H.Philipp, J.Woisetschläger (1989) Tomographic reconstruction of the temperature distribution in a convective heat flow using multidirectional holographic interferometry, Appl.Opt.28, pp 1508-1516


Conference Proceedings (peer reviewed)
M. Schien, A. Hafizovic, F.Planck, F. Merli, J. Woisetschlaeger, E.Göttlich (2022) Unsteady Investigation of the Effect of Purge Air on the Flow Field Inside a Turbine Vane Frame Using Particle Image Velocimetry, ASME Turbo Expo 2022, GT2022-82526

F. Farisco, P. Notsch, F. Greiffenhagen, J. Woisetschläger, F. Heitmeir, R. Prieler, Ch. Hochenauer (2019) Numerical investigation of a swirl stabilized Methane fired burner and validation with experimental data, ASME Turbo Expo 2019, GT2019-90452

F.Greiffenhagen, J.Woisetschläger, J.Gürtler, H.Scholz, R.Kuschmierz, J.Czarske (2018) Spatially Resolved Heat Release Fluctuation Measurement in a Lean, Swirl Stabilized, Unconfined Methane Flame with Full Field Laser Vibrometry, ASME Turbo Expo 2016, GT2016-57485

F.Greiffenhagen, J.Peterleithner, J. Woisetschläger (2017) Prediction of Combustion Noise of a Swirl-Stabilized Flame Using Laser Interferometric Vibrometry Validated by Acoustric Measurements, ASME Turbo Expo 2017, GT2017-63418

J.Peterleithner, R.Basso, F.Heitmeir, J.Woisetschläger, R.Schlüßler, J.Czarske, A.Fischer (2016) Comparison of Flame Transfer Functions acquired by Chemiluminescence and Density Fluctuation Measurements, ASME Turbo Expo 2016, GT2016-57485

J.Peterleithner, St Zerobin, J.Woisetschläger (2016) Analysis of Combustion Noise uings locally Resolved Density Fluctuations and a Microphone Array, ASME Turbo Expo 2016, GT2016-57490

P.Bader, W.Sanz, J.Peterleithner, J.Woisetschläger, F.Heitmeir, W.Meile, G.Brenn (2016) Detecting Transition in Flat Plate Flow eith Laser Interferometric Vibrometry, ASME Turbo Expo 2016, GT2016-56043

P.Bader, M Pschernig, W.Sanz, J.Woisetschläger, F.Heitmeir, W.Meile, G.Brenn (2016) Flat-Plate Boundary Layers in Accelerated Flow, ASME Turbo Expo 2016, GT2016-56044

A.Marn, F.Schönleitner, J.Peterleithner, J.Woisetschläger, F.Heitmeir (2016) Introduction of a Project-Based-Course in Turbine Stage Design for Undergraduate Students at Graz University of Technology, ASME Turbo Expo 2016, GT2016-56071


J Peterleithner, A Marn, J Woisetschläger (2015) Interferometric investigation of the thermoacoustics in a swirl stabilized methane flame, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2015, GT2015, June 15-19, 2015, Montréal, Canada, GT2015-42743


J Peterleithner, A Marn, J Woisetschläger (2015) Interferometric investigation of the thermoacoustics in a swirl stabilized methane flame, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2015, GT2015, June 15-19, 2015, Montréal, Canada, GT2015-42743


F. Giuliani, J. Woisetschläger, T. Leitgeb (2012) Design and validation of a burner with variable geometry for extended combustion range, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2012, GT2012, June 11-15, 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark, GT2012-68236


B. Paradiso, G. Persico, P. Gaetani, O. Schennach, R. Pecnik and J. Woisetschläger (2009) Three dimensional vane-rotor-vane interaction in a one and a half transonic turbine stage, Proc. 8th European Conference on Turbomachinery, 23-27 March 2009, Graz, pp 1207-1219

B. Paradiso, G. Persico, P. Gaetani, O. Schennach, R. Pecnik, J. Woisetschläger (2008) Blade row interaction in a one and a half stage transonic turbine focusing on three dimensional effects - part 1: stator-rotor interaction, ASME Turbo Expo 2008, Berlin, Germany, GT2008-50291

O. Schennach, B. Paradiso, G. Persico, P. Gaetani, J. Woisetschläger (2008) Blade row interaction in a one and a half stage transonic turbine focusing on three dimensional effects - part 2: clocking effects, ASME Turbo Expo 2008, Berlin, Germany, GT2008-50065

O.Schennach, R.Pecnik, J.Woisetschläger, E.Göttlich, A.Marn, F.Heitmeir (2007) Influence of vane clocking on the unsteady flowfield in a one and a half stage transonic turbine, Proc. 7th European Conference on Turbomachinery, 5-9 March 2007, Athens, pp 1259-1272

F.Giuliani, B.Wagner, J.Woisetschläger, F.Heitmeir (2006) Laser Vibrometry for real-time combustion instability diagnostic, ASME Turbo Expo 2006, Barcelona, Spain, GT2006-90413

B.Hampel, J.Woisetschläger, N.Mayrhofer, E.Göttlich, F.Heitmeir (2005) Recording local density fluctuations in turbine flows using Laser Vibrometry, Proc. 6th European Conference on Turbomachinery, Lille, pp. 950-961

P.Pieringer, E.Göttlich, J.Woisetschläger, W.Sanz, F.Heitmeir (2005) Numerical investigation of the unsteady flow through a transonic turbine stage, Proc. 6th European Conference on Turbomachinery, Lille, pp. 339-352

E.Göttlich, L.Innocenti, A.Vacca, W.Sanz, J.Woisetschläger, B.Facchini, H.Jericha (2004) Measurement and simulation of the transonic innovative cooling system (ICS) for high-temperature transonic gas turbine stages, ASME TURBO EXPO 2004, Vienna, GT2004-53712

F.Heitmeir, J.Woisetschläger, W.Sanz, H.Jericha (2003) Transonic turbine testing, Proceedings 5 th European Conference on Turbomachinery, Praque, 2003, pp 837-848

R. Pecnik, W.Sanz, A.Gehrer, J.Woisetschläger (2003) Computation of laminar-turbulent transition in turbomachinery using an intermittency transport model, - Proceedings 5thEuropean Conference on Turbomachinery, Praque, 2003, pp 925-936

J.Woisetschläger, H.Lang, B.Hampel, E.Göttlich, F.Heitmeir (2003) Influence of blade passing on the stator wake in a transonic turbine stage investigated by particle image velocimetry and laser vibrometry, Proceedings 5thEuropean Conference on Turbomachinery, Praque, 2003, pp 1167-1174

J.Woisetschläger, N.Mayrhofer, H.Lang, B.Hampel (2002) Experimental investigation of turbine wake flow by interferometrically triggered PIV and LDV measurements, ASME Turbo Expo 2002, Amsterdam, GT-2002-30347

E.Göttlich, H.Lang, W.Sanz, J.Woisetschläger (2002) Experimental Investigation of an innovative cooling system (ICS) for high temperature transonic turbine stages, ASME Turbo Expo 2002, Amsterdam, GT-2002-30341

A.Gehrer, H.Lang, N.Mayrhofer, J.Woisetschläger (2000) Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Trailing Edge Vortex Shedding Downstream of a Linear Turbine Cascade, ASME International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress, Munich, 2000-GT-434

S.Moser, M.Ivanisin, J.Woisetschläger, H.Jericha (2000) Novel Blade Cooling Engineering Solution, ASME International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress, Munich, 2000-GT-0242

R.Pöschl, J.Woisetschläger, H.Jericha (1999) Erosion due to particle impact in supersonic flow, IMech Conference Transactions, 3rd European Conference on Turbomachinery, Vol.A Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, IMechE 1999-1A C557/091/99, pp 405-415

W.Sanz, A.Gehrer, J.Woisetschläger, M.Forstner, W.Artner, H.Jericha (1998) Numerical and Experimental Investigation of the Wake Flow Downstream of a Linear Turbine Cascade, Proc. ASME International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, 98-GT-246

S.Moser, H.Jericha, J.Woisetschläger, A.Gehrer, W.Reinalter (1998) The Influence of Pressure Pulses to an Innovative Turbine Blade Film Cooling System, Proc. ASME International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, 98-GT-545

A.Gorton-Hülgerth, J.Woisetschläger, G.Wigley, G.Staudinger (1998), Investigation of the Particle Phase in a Cyclone with PDA, Proc. PARTEC 98, 4 th European Symposium Separation of Particles from Gases, Nürnberg, pp 45-54

A.Gehrer, J.Woisetschläger, H.Jericha (1997) Blade Film Cooling by Underexpanded Transonic Jet Layers, Proc. ASME International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress, Orlando, Florida, 97-GT-246

J.Woisetschläger, H.Jericha, W.Sanz, H.P.Pirker, A.Seyr, T.Ruckenbauer (1997) Experimental Investigation of Transonic Jet Film Cooling in a Linear Cascade, Proc. 2nd European Conference on Turbomachinery - Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, Antwerpen, pp 447-451

J.Woisetschläger, H.Jericha, W.Sanz, F.Gollner (1995) Optical Investigation of Transonic Wall-Jet Film Cooling, Proc. ASME COGEN TURBO POWER, Vienna, 95-CTP-26

M.Fesharaki, H.Halozan, J.Woisetschläger (1995) Atmospheric Solar Receiver Flow Investigation, Proc. ASME COGEN TURBO POWER, Vienna, 95-CTP-61

H.Jericha, W.Sanz, J.Woisetschläger, M.Fesharaki (1995) CO2-Retention Capability of CH4/O2 fired Graz Cycle, Proc. CIMAC 1995, paper G07


Conference Proceedings

J. Gürtler, S. Tasmany, R. Kuschmierz, J. Woisetschläger, J. (2023) Neural network-based tomographic reconstruction of high-speed interferometric and Schlieren image data for density and velocity detection, (abstract only), SPIE Optical Metrology, Conference 12621, Multimodal Sensing and Artificial Intelligence: Technologies and Applications III, 27 - 29 June 2023, Paper 12621-20, Munich, Germany
E. Bertolini, P. Pieringer, J.Woisetschläger, W.Sanz (2018) Prediction of Transistion Noise in a Turbine Cascade Using LES, 12th International ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements - Montpellier, France, 26 Sep - 28 Sep 2018.  

F.Greiffenhagen, J.Woisetschläger, J.Gürtler, H.Scholz, R.Kuschmierz, J.Czarske (2018) Camera Based Full-Field Laser Interferometric Vibrometry For Combustion Diagnostics, Proc. 19th International Symposium on Application of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, paper 30

J.Gürtler, F.Greiffenhagen, A.E.Ramos Ruiz, J.Woisetschläger, R. Kuschmierz, J.Czarske (2018) Simultaneous measurements of velocity and density of transient flows using high-speed camera technique, SPIE Photonics Europe, 22.-26.04.2018, Strasbourg, France, Proc. SPIE 10677, Unconventional Optical Imaging, 1067727, (24 May 2018), doi: 10.1117/12.2309528

J.Gürtler, F.Greiffenhagen, J.Peterleithner, J.Woisetschläger, D. Haufe, J.Czarske (2017) Non-invasive Seedingless Measurements of the Flame Transfer Function Using High-Speed Camera Based Laser Vibrometry , SPIE, 26.06. – 29.06.2017, Munich, Germany, 10329-66,

Proc. SPIE 10329, Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection X, 1032920 (26 June 2017) doi:10.1117/12.2269717,

J. Gürtler, F. Greiffenhagen, J. Peterleithner, J. Woisetschläger, D. Haufe, A. Fischer, J. Czarske (2016) Seedinglose Messung der Wärmefreisetzungsrate und Geschwindigkeit in drall-stabilisierten Flammen, Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik - 24. Fachtagung, Cottbus, 6. - 8. September 2016, Number 7 (8 S.).

J.Peterleithner, J.Woisetschläger (2015) Untersuchung thermoakustischer Oszillationen mittels Laservibrometer, Laser Vibrometry for Combustion Diagnostics in Thermoacoustic, Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik - 23. Fachtagung, Dresden, 8. - 10. September 2015, (8 S.)

J.Peterleithner, F.Salcher, J.Woisetschläger (2014) Frequency resolved interferometric detection of local density fluctuations in flames, Proc. 17th International Symposium on Application of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, paper 04.7_1_53

J. J. Peterleithner, A. Marn, T. Leitgeb .Woisetschläger (2013) Frequency Resolved Density Fluctuation Measurements of Combustion Oscillations in a Model Combustor, 49th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, 15 - 17 Jul 2013, San Jose, CA , Paper No.: 1589261

A. Fischer, J. König, L. Büttner, J. Czarske, T. Leitgeb, J. Woisetschläger (2012) Detektion von Flammeninstabilitäten mittels Mehrpunktmessung von Strömungsgeschwindigkeitsspektren, Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik - 20. Fachtagung, Rostock, 6. - 8. September 2012, Nummer 44 (10 S.)




E.C. Fuchs, L.L.F. Agostinho, M. Eisenhut, J. Woisetschläger, (2010) Mass and charge transfer within a floating water bridge, Laser Applications in Life Sciences, Proc.SPIE, Vol.7376, 73761E1-15


S. Köberl, M. Heimel, F. Giuliani, J.Woisetschläger, F. Fontaneto (2010) Measurement of local density fluctuations for combustion diagnostics of different flames using dual laser vibrometry, 46th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, 25 - 28 Jul 2010, Nashville, TN ,

S. Köberl, F. Giuliani, F. Fontaneto, J. Woisetschläger (2009) Power spectra measurements for the density fluctuation in a jet flame using dual laser vibrometry, Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting 2009, April 14-17, 2009, Vienna, paper P811394

A. Lang, T. Leitgeb, J. Woisetschläger, A. Strzetecki, P. Gajan, F. Giuliani (2008) Analysis ofa pulsed flame at intermediate pressure , Proc. 13 th International Symposium on Flow Visualization and 12 th French Congress on Visualization in Fluid Mechanics, July 1-4, 2008, Nice, France, paper 228-080419

F. Giuliani, A. Lang, T. Leitgeb, J.Woisetschläger, F.Heitmeir (2007) Using dual laser vibrometry to monitor the stability of gas turbine combustion, Proc. 3rd European Combustion Meeting, 11.-14.4.2007, Chania, Crete

F. Giuliani, A. Lang, T. Leitgeb, J.Woisetschläger, F.Heitmeir (2007) Time-Resolved Analysis of Density Fluctuations in a Resonant Air-Methane Flame using Dual Laser Vibrometry for Gas Turbine Combustor Qualification Tests, Proc. International Symposium on Air Breathing Engines 18 Bejing, China, 2.7.-7.7.2007, paper 1187

J. Woisetschläger, R. Pecnik, E.Göttlich, O.Schennach, A.Marn, W.Sanz, F.Heitmeir (2006) Laser-optical investigation of stator-rotor interaction in a transonic turbine, Proc. 12 th International Symposium on Flow Visualization, September 10-14, 2006, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Göttingen, Germany, paper 095

P.Arroyo, J.Lobera, S.Recuero, J.Woisetschläger (2006) Digital Image Plane Holography for Three-Component Velocity Measurements in Turbomachinery Flows, Proc. 13th International Symposium on Application of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, paper 1131

E.Göttlich, J.Woisetschläger, B.Hampel, H.Jericha, H.Heitmeir (2004) Experimentelle Untersuchung instationärer Effekte in einer transsonischen Turbinenstufe / Experimental investigations of unsteady effects in transonic turbines, in "Stationäre Gasturbinen: Fortschritte und Betriebserfahrungen", VDI-Bericht 1857, pp 109-118

J.Woisetschläger (2004) Thermografische Untersuchungen zur Optimierung von Strömungsvorgängen, Tagungsband Bauphysiktagung, TU-Graz, pp 98 - 102

B.Hampel, N.Mayrhofer, J.Woisetschläger (2002) Frequenzanalyse einer Turbinenschaufelgitterströmung mittels Laser-Vibrometer und holographischer Interferometrie, Proc. GALA-Fachtagung Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmeßtechnik, paper 32, Rostock, BRD, 2002

S.Moser, J.Woisetschläger, N.Mayrhofer, H.Jericha (2000) Kühlung transsonischer Turbinenschaufeln mittels unterexpandierter Kühlfilme / Transonic turbine stage cooling by underexpanded cooling films, in Gasturbinen für kombinierte Gas-Dampfturbinenanlagen, VDI-Bericht 1566, pp 125-138

N.Mayrhofer, H.Lang, J.Woisetschläger (2000) Experimental Investigation of Turbine Wake Flow by Interferometrically Triggered LDV-Measurements, Proc. 10th International Symposium on Application of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, paper 28.1

M.Hipp, P.Reiterer, J.Woisetschläger, H.Philipp, G.Pretzler, W.Fliesser, T.Neger (1999) Application of Interferometric Fringe Evaluation Software at Technical University Graz, Proc.SPIE, Vol.3745, 281-292

S.Moser, J.Woisetschläger, H.Jericha (1999) LDA-Untersuchung transsonischer Kühlfilme zur Kühlung moderner Gasturbinenschaufeln, Proc. GALA-Fachtagung Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik - 7. Fachtagung, Eds.Pfeifer et al., paper 13, Shaker Verlag Aachen

J.Woisetschläger, H.Jericha (1996) Heterodyne Laser Interferometry for Cascade Flow Investigations, Proc. XIIIth Symposium on Measurement Techniques for Transonic and Supersonic Flows in Cascades and Turbomachines, ETH Zürich, pp 19/0-19/6

P.J.Wesolowski, J.Woisetschläger (1995) Pulsed Holographic Interferometry in Predictive Tire Testing, Proc. SPIE Int.Soc.Opt.Eng. 2545, pp 33-42

J.Woisetschläger, D.B.Sheffer, K.Somasundaram, H.Mikati, C.W.Loughry, S.R.Chawla, P.J.Wesolowski (1992) Breast cancer detection by holographic interferometry, Proc.SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 1756, pp 176-182

REPRINT in: R.S.Sirohi, W.Osten, C.J.Tay, H.M.Shang, F.S.Chau (Eds.) Selected Papers on Holographic Interferometry: Applications, SPIE Milestone Series, Volume MS170, pp 728-735 (2001) SPIE, Bellingham, Washington, ISBN 0819443387

K.Widmann, G.Pretzler, J.Woisetschläger, T.Neger, H.Jäger (1992) Application of holographic optical elements to plasma diagnostic, Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 1732, pp 712-718

T.Neger, H.Jäger, H.Philipp, G.Pretzler, K.Widmann, J.Woisetschläger (1991) Applications of spatially resolving holographic interferometry to plasma diagnostics, Proc.SPIE Int.Soc.Opt.Eng. 1507, pp 476-487

T.Neger, H.Jäger, J.Woisetschläger , H.Philipp (1990) "Optical tomography of plasmas", Proc.Symposium on Measurement and inspection in industry by computer aided laser metrology (Balatonfüred, Hungary), IMEKO TC event series 28, pp 315-323

D.Vukicevic, H.Philipp, J.Woisetschläger, H.Jäger, T.Neger (1990) Optical tomography of inhomogeneous phase objects by heterodyne holographic interferometry and its application to plasma diagnostics, Proc. SPIE Int.Soc.Opt.Eng. 1319, pp 239-240

D.Vukicevic, H.Jäger, T.Neger, H.Philipp, J.Woisetschläger (1988) Tomographic presentation of temperature profiles in a convective heat flow by high resolution holographic interferometry, Proc. SPIE Int.Soc.Opt.Eng. 952, pp 136-143


Further Publications
37 Abstracts for Conference or Workshop

31 Reports

1 Patent


Funded Projects

FWF I 5393-N

Four-Dimensional Measurement of Thermoacoustic Oscillations

start: 1.11.2022

FWF I 2544-N30

Full-Field Laser Vibrometry for Combustion Diagnostics

start: 1.3.2016

FWF P 24096-N24

Interferometric Detection of Thermoacoustic Oscillations in Flames

start: 1.6.2012

Europäische Hochschullehrermobilität ERASMUS

Laser Optical Flow Measurement Techniques

partner: Universiteit Twente / Wetsus


B03_T01 Kompetenzzentrum - Das virtuelle Fahrzeug

Experimentelle Untersuchung der Wandfilmbildung und Thermolyse

scientific partner

FWF P 19955-N19

Experimental Investigation of Flame-Flame Interaction in a Gas-Turbine Model Combustor with Forced Flow Instabilities

start: 1.1.2008

Europäische Hochschullehrermobilität ERASMUS

Moderne Laseroptische Messtechnik in Turbomaschinen

partner: RWTH Aachen

  FWF P 16521-N07
Rotor-Stator Interaction in a Transonic Turbine

start: 1.4.2004

  EU N° G6RT-CT-2002-05093 Thematic Network
LAVINYA; Laser Vibrometry Network
scientific officer
coordinator: Università di Ancona
start: 1.6.2002
EU N° G4RT-CT-2002-05081 Thematic Network

PivNet2-A European collaboration on development and application of Particle Image Velocimetry between industry, research organizations and universities

scientific officer
coordinator: DLR
start: 1.4.2002

Österr. Akademischer Austauschdienst
Project Nr. 22/2004

Development of optical techniques for flow testing in turbomachinery

partner: Universidad de Zaragoza
start: 1.1.2004


Untersuchung des Prototypen einer Platinensortiermaschine

start: 1.12.2000

EU N° BRPR CT98 0756 Brite-EuRam III

Advanced Industrial Gas Turbines: development of Transonic Cooled Stages for High Pressure Ratios through Innovative Design, Manufacturing and Testing Technique

member steering committee
start: 1.9.1998


EU N° BRRT-CT97-5037 Thematic Network

PivNet-A European collaboration on development and application of Particle Image Velocimetry between industry, research organizations and universities

scientific officer
coordinator: DLR
start: 1.12.1997

FWF Y0057-TEC (START Program)

Non-Intrusive Optical Diagnosics of Turbulent Flows in Turbomachinery

start: 1.5.1997

FWF P10698-ÖTE

Injection Cooling of High Temperature Turbine Blades

start: 1.9.1995

FWF S06801-TEC

Efficiency Improvement by Flow Optimization

start: 1.2.1994

  FWF J0650-PHY
Breast Cancer Detection by Holographic Interferometry
start: 1.10.1991


  Jakob Woisetschläger // TU Graz // Inffeldgasse 25A // A-8010 Graz // Phone: +43 (316) 873 7227 // Fax: +43 (316) 873 7239
eMail: // TTM-Institute // Graz University of Technology © 2006